#MoveInDay 67

Thank you so much for everything. I’m still... speechless. This is truly amazing. The kids absolutely love it. I just picked up Nick Jr. From daycare and he won’t stop calling me to show me his dinosaurs and I just keep finding new things you places all over the apartment. 

Bless you and your team. You guys are angels.

- M

Fleeing a physical relationship left this young mom homeless and feeling depressed and helpless. She reconnected with a friend who became her partner and they merged their young families together. Struggling to find a place to live, they were homeless and living in their car. Thankfully, they were helped by a local organization who found them an apartment but they moved in with only their clothing and some cast off furniture donated from family and friends. H2H came in and turned their apartment into a home!

A big huge thank you to Del's Moving and Storage Inc. for providing move-in services free of charge to help this young family with the fresh start! Truth you guys saved our back’s!

This move-in was referred to us by our community partners Housing Forward and Case Worker, Ebony. Carla Williams led the design assisted by Barb Lambert. The fantastic group of volunteers included Susan Lindsay, Laura McNaughton, Greg Nesypor
and Karen Kedzuch! Thank you to Penny Kirschbaum of Kirschbaum's Bakery for the wonderful treats that (of course) were the first thing the kids saw when they walked in! Thank you Debby Meredith for the custom made artwork in the kids bedrooms, the personal touches make all the difference!


#MoveInDay 68


#MoveInDay 66